Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Fabulous @ 40

Big sis (so she is fondly called by me) called to tell me about her upcoming birthday. She requested that I make her up on this special day and I gladly accepted. She has a beautiful skin, so this made working on her more fun. I hope you like the look.


Face: Black Opal concealing foundation in hazel nut and carob, Iman luxury powder in earth dark, Black Radiance blush in plum.
Eyes: BH eye palette, Sleek in original, Milani eye tech liner, Jordana pencil in dark brown, Ultimate Mascara in black from Mary Kay.
Lips: Jordana lip liner in plum, wild red lipstick from Island Beauty, INCOLOR lip gloss by Jordana

Till my next post, STAY BEAUTIFUL.

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