Hello beauties,
Its been a while, i can't believe the third month is running out already, a lot
has happened these past months but it feel so good to be back.
I’m so excited writing today, I feel like a pregnant woman who just got
delivered of a baby. yeah…. I mean a baby because I was heavily pregnant for
several months (lol). I had been pregnant with the idea and need for a
professional camera. and just like a mother, after nine wonderful months of
expectation… finally, her baby arrives oh what unspeakable joy she feels holding
her baby in her hands. ( I’ve been there, so I know the feeling *smiles*).
That’s how I felt the moment I had my camera in my hands.
Image: Web |
But why compare a baby with a camera? guess some of you are asking that
already. well, I believe when you wait so long for something, you tend to
appreciate it better.
I’m sure every professional MUAs would agree with me that this is a MUST for
our job. Though getting pictures of your works from photographers or paying for
photo sessions is very good to start with, (which is what I’ve been doing) but I
think you would get to a point where your job demands the use of a personal
professional camera so as to create as many looks you desire, get as many
pictures you want, have your pictures ready when you need it, product reviews
and lot more…although, one can’t underestimate the need for professional
photographers - we would always need and work with them. I only have a basic training in photography, but i intend to get more tutorials to help know more about my camera.
Till my next post,
Stay beautiful....